
Showing posts from August, 2015

Discipline can mean treats

Imagine you have all what you want in front of you. It can be an ice cream, or a football game with your favorite team, a night out at the coolest bar, a great movie..  and then your car breaks down, or your flight is delayed, or the electricity goes off. That is how I feel right now. And I need to turn to the least strong side of me that I have – discipline. I have a back problem, and I have been in rehab and other treatments for the last 4 months and I have been doing really well. I have started to come back to my normal self and could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Until a day last week when it all turned and I was thrown back at least 6 months of my progression. Acute pain and feeling 150 years older in a few hours is a very demotivating feeling, one week prior a well planned trip to my beloved Norway, to a mountain I have been checking out for a few years and have longed to climb. This is Trolltunga. Anyone who has been there knows what I am talking about. I

Mount Snowdon - Wales

Wales! So, after about a year of trying to work my back up to normal standards, the first test is now approaching – Mount Snowdon – Wales! Snowdon is one of the 3 Peaks, and with its 1082m above sea level, it’s the highest peak in Wales. My friend Albin told us a story about how a mountain isn’t a hill, it has to be 1000m or more to be called a mountain. Since I speak a lot about my mountain hikes and how much I love the outdoors, I managed to talk my friend and colleague Alex into joining, and his wife Daria as well. With three days to go, my good friend and colleague Albin also agreed to join and we were a nice quartet on an expedition from London to Llanberis. After a few mishaps with bus schedules etc in Bangor, we managed to get a taxi to the village. The hotel Alex had found was a nice little place by the end of the road in the village, by a nice lake. We are pretty easy travelers and we want the local touch, which I believe we got. We found our rooms, checked in a