
Showing posts from February, 2012

Jabs, jabs and jabs!!

Busy times! This monday just gone, the fundraising deadline came up and I made it.. I had to add £200 at the end but that is ok, I didnt have time to do more events or raffles so I am very pleased. I am very proud that over 60 people have supported me and my cause, that is just amazing! I cant really understand that this phenomenal fundraising method hasnt come to Sweden yet, its unheard of. But yet so good for the charity as the participant does all the work. Jabs I had my second hep A&B vaccination today, I just dont like it.. but one more of that, a few tablets against typhoid, an injection against yellow fever, rabies and finally the malaria tablets.. then we are done! I didnt even think that there were so many things to catch! I didnt think it was so expensive either, my smile kind of went down when the nurse told me the cost.. Im probably just naive, I wasnt aware of this, but even if I get Hep A&B and typhoid for free, I end up paying £150 for the rest. But its def w

Snakes and training..

soo.. went to see the 2nd Saffa-man in my life, the lovely Pierre who is my physio and trying to sort out my back for me, and he has actually managed to fix a few things so I am very excited to see how good I can get! Anyway, he is from South Africa and told me about snakes for the whole 40 mins session we had last time, and I kid you not - I was shivering! Apparently these things go into you sleeping bag, in your tent.. want to be where they are covered and cool. I am not so pleased with this knowledge.. considering that I will spend 6 days in Black Mamba-land (i.e. 6 nights in tents, in a sleeping bag..). My mum is a proper mum and worries too much, so she is of course not very pleased with this and wish I would cancel my trip and go somewhere a bit more.. snakeless.. Pierre also promised to bring me a dvd about the south african snakes so I know what to expect.. Thanks, really..nice! Black mamba, average 2.5 m, can get up to 4.3m.. poisonous I feel like I am back on track with m

Snow, London and horses

On Saturday the snow started to fall in London and we all know what that means.. FULL CHAOS! I happily stayed indoors watching the grass turn white as the flakes were falling. I like when the weather changes into something else, especially snow. I was out walking, had been for a few hours actually, when I could feel the change in the air and small flakes starting to fall down. Yesterday after some work that had to be done rather urgently, I tried my new trousers from dare2b and went on a long walk through and around Osterley Park and I was very happy with all my gear, old and new! I wasnt cold nor wet, my Columbia shoes are brilliant as well as my jacket from Mountain Warehouse. I will post some pictures of them actually. Today Im doing a health checkup as I have changed GP, and the next appointment should be vaccinations :) woohoo, getting closer! :) As my cold seems to be gone now, I will start more cardio training again this week and my physio promised me more exercises as well s