Snow, London and horses

On Saturday the snow started to fall in London and we all know what that means.. FULL CHAOS! I happily stayed indoors watching the grass turn white as the flakes were falling. I like when the weather changes into something else, especially snow. I was out walking, had been for a few hours actually, when I could feel the change in the air and small flakes starting to fall down.
Yesterday after some work that had to be done rather urgently, I tried my new trousers from dare2b and went on a long walk through and around Osterley Park and I was very happy with all my gear, old and new! I wasnt cold nor wet, my Columbia shoes are brilliant as well as my jacket from Mountain Warehouse. I will post some pictures of them actually.
Today Im doing a health checkup as I have changed GP, and the next appointment should be vaccinations :) woohoo, getting closer! :)
As my cold seems to be gone now, I will start more cardio training again this week and my physio promised me more exercises as well so Im sure I will be sore by next week due to that. Amazing what you can do with just an elastic band..
Many good things going on at the moment, I am very excited about whats coming! ;)

Jen x


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