Project visit!

This morning we went out to a school which is one of the schools Childreach works with here in Nepal. The classes go from kindergarten to year 8. Childreach is helping them with their new building which the state started to build but never finished, and they help with some of the funding and labor. The new building is built next to the current school and when it's ready there will be space for kids up to year 10. So this is fantastic for the kids in the neighbourhood. The new rooms are also bigger so they will get more space. 
We arrived and were met by curious children. Some were playing badminton and some were just looking at us carefully.
We got our instructions and got to work. We sanded window frames and painted them. We also painted ceiling and walls, so we had quite a job to finish. 

After some hours we had together done it all in two rooms, and we were very proud of the accomplishment! 
Thanks all of you guys that sponsored this project, you have all made a difference. And you are not alone- for the last four years, since Childreach was established in Nepal, 213 000 children have been affected in their work, work they couldn't have done without people like you and me. Thanks a lot again, you all rock!


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