Amazing scenery and incredible head aches! Arrived to Dingboche, 4410m!!

Hey - Team A got a head start to Dingboche and we did a great job. It was first pretty much Nepali flat which turned into a steep hill. It was a pretty adventurous walk as we saw lots of different trees and flowers along the river we follow all the way. I feel so lucky to be able to be here and see this different vegetation and to enjoy this fantastic scenery that shifts from forest to rocks to moon landscape and back again. Today during the morning I felt like walking through a Swedish forest in the autumn, the leaves yellow on the ground, warm but chilly at the same time, fresh air that fills your lungs.. I just love that feeling.

Fitness still ok but headache and muscle pain is clearly coming. Today we saw a few guys feeling it too, one has been puking the whole night, another has a chest infection.. But apart from that are we all fine, more or less.

Dingboche is a village up on 4410m and is part of Khumbu Valley so we are still in the sacred valley.

Tomorrow is acclimatisation day when we will climb a top around 5000m to get used to the altitude.. 
At the briefing Tashi said it straight up hill... Gosh, that will be tough.. 

I found a Scandi-friend here too, Jonas from Denmark. He is on the same schedule as us, so we will meet every day which is fun. And very unexpected! 

Time to sleep!

Jen x


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