London - tomorrow we go!

They night before the flight out and I'm a sitting on my friend Tracy's sofa and wondering if I have forgotten anything.. 
Water purifier and Imodium, camera, dollars, camelbak and visa - all should be ok now!
I read a book today by a travel journalist and I am just getting more intrigued and excited, Nepal seems to be a fantastic country! Hard to understand they had a war just a few years ago, people is poor but so generous. But I think you see that in all these poor countries though, the less people have the more generous. Quite fascinating..

Went through London today, I do love this place. So vibrant and people from all over. Swedes are nice, but fairly introverted people. I had a typical London-experience today at the Apple store. I was waiting for my turn to get served when a guy comes up saying "I have arrived!" Then he wanted to be friends on Facebook (?)! I kinda declined in a nice way but it was a bit random, as many of my meets are. But refreshing, I needed this. And a nice reminder not to take myself so serious, we only live once! More random, please! :) 

Going to bed now, need to rest some before the great flight tomorrow to Kathmandu. I am really nervous, but excitingly nervous! 
Want to see those peaks and temples and all! Woop woop - day has finally arrived!

Jen (dreaming of tea houses and glaciers! )


  1. The 1st of September is good to start any journey, whether it's climbing Everest or making a cup of coffee Jenny....have a lot of fun and see you when your back!

  2. I hope it's all you dream of and a bit more too ;-) Lots of love to you!!!
    /Your wifey

  3. Glad my sofa was so inspirational, worrying about the "Random" part......have fun and take care xx

  4. You are the best! Take care and enjoy! Din Linda


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