Cloudy sunrise and stomach bug - last day in Pokhara a bit different than expected...

After a nice evening we fell asleep on our beds with the lights on and no alarm set. Both of us woke up shortly after though so we could organise ourselves for our early pick up at 4.30 by our land lords taxi friend. He was taking us to the Sarangkot, the highest viewpoint in Pokhara and a great spot to see the Annapurna mountain range. We went, it was pitch dark and when we got there it was still dark. We passed a lot of Indian tourists on the way as the buses can't go all the way. Our driver took us close and said he would wait an hour for us. The viewpoint was a big round cement circle and we sat down to wait for sunrise and for the clouds to break up.. More and more Indians started to crowd around us and demanded a seat, after a while I gave in to the comments and left my spot, feeling pretty p-d off with the arrogant attitude. One man was sitting meditating and he was the angriest, then we had a group of ladies singing which was pretty nice at this time of day. Lots of people had tripods and put up their cameras to catch the view, but the clouds were too heavy for us. We didn't see one peak! Me and Babs left before the group and were ready to hit the bed again for some sleep. 

What expected me at the guest house wasn't really sleep, it was a bad stomach bug which has followed me from Kathmandu but left again for its return this morning. Not welcome at all. Yesterday I had a meal for the first time since Tuesday evening, and I am quite weak. I don't think I can deal with more than bread and water now, and I am also trying some coca cola.. So today we spend at our lovely terrace in the shadow, as we are both very low on energy, I am glad I am traveling with such a wonderful person that completely understands and is easy going, Babs is the best!

I'm also trying to organise some things for home, laundry times and nail fix.. I surely had the most glamorous nails on the mountain as I didn't manage to get them all down before. And now they just look horrible! But I think I might have been lucky just now getting an appointment via my own fab beautician Roswitha Nordieng, she has amazing contacts. My upcoming travel is not private so I need to get myself sorted :)

Jen xx ( from a hot terrace in Pokhara..)


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