Pokhara! Leisure and water buffaloes!

I thought we had seen it all but no, it seems like the cows, buffaloes, yaks or what ever you want to call them are everywhere! This morning in Pokhara, a touristic town 7h bus ride from Kathmandu, me and Babs had company to the centre by a cow..they always just turn up everywhere! I really love these animals so I don't mind, it's just really funny :) my niece Jennifer would just love this, I filmed a bit for her today :)

We arrived here yesterday, Thursday 19th. We took a bus at 7am from Kathmandu and it was a very interesting bus ride. It feels like the drivers have their own rules and as everyone understands this chaos it works, they overtake in blind corners, they drive on partly non existing roads.. All so very strange. But we got here in the end and its so quiet. Compared to Kathmandu it's like a different country! The only thing that is the same is the hooping from taxis and the Everest beer :)
There are so many tourists here, and the prices of a lot of things are higher than in Kathmandu. But it's quiet... No "house keeping" shouting at you at 8.30 (why do they clean room that early??) or other noises.. Our guest house is small, cheap and perfect! We pay nothing and the family is lovely. 

Phewa lake
Today we spent by the famous lake here, and we were just lazy. And we deserve its, we had a late breakfast in the centre and then we spotted our seats for the day and kept them. We haven't had a day since we got here without times to keep so it was good with one lazy day even if none of us like a non-active holiday. But we have no guilty conscience :)

At lunch we saw three guys so stoned that it wasn't even funny.. How they made it home was a mystery. One was old enough to be, well, at least Babs father, and he was the worst. It's just a bit odd to me.. Call me old (even if I look like 25) .. 

After a fresh cold shower we went to meet a few of our friends who had arrived after a trip to Chitwan where they had been riding elephants, been on a jungle safari and had lots of nice adventures with hunting tigers and crocodiles! Sounds amazing!

As we have decided to go up at 4am to see the sunrise, we have to shoot off to bed very soon, not enough sleep otherwise...

Lots of love from Pokhara!

Jen xx


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