Jen got to the top! Today I reached Mt Everest base camp!

Woop woop! Today we made it to base camp, the goal of out trek! What a success! 
It was hard, tear breaking, legs like jelly and a lot of head ache... But, main thing is that we made it!
We walked through a landscape of big rocks and ice, and passed a glacier wall and some icy water. First in the morning we left around 7am and got to our lunch place in Gorak Shep around 10am. Gorak  Shep is the base camp from 1953, the first climb of mt Everest. It's also a cosy lodge but bed rooms are freezing cold! We reached base camp at 2pm local time after a struggle up and down the rocks. We also past a glacier and glacier water, it was pretty cool to see and walk past. The landscape is so bold and at the same time beautiful. Nothing green just rocks and ice. We can hear all different noises, stones falling from the mountains into the glacier water or just to the ground. 

It was snowing and really cold, the last bit was down the mountain side and my chest was burning and the legs were like jelly. We could see the base camp from a far as there was a different group there already and it was a lot easier to go forward when seeing the goal.the final steps were easier than any so far! 
At the base camp we took lots of pictures and I had some special items with me that needed a photo from this spot, secret so far.. :)
Me at Mt Everest Base Camp

After a while in the -15 degrees Celcius, we went back to Gorak Shep. It was also very cold there, and a guide book says that many people decide not to stay there for this reason and I can truly believe them. I slept in my wooly underwear, socks and hat.. Also, we have to get up early tomorrow..

Tomorrow 4am we will climb 300m to Kala Pattar if there is nice weather, from the top are great views of Mt Everest. If weather is bad we stay in bed until 7am and then we walk 13 km down. So weird that this is soon over...

Anyway, this girl is very proud of her success today and will sleep well! 

Below is the Mt Everest base camp, 5365 m


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