Off to Namche Bazaar, 3440m - and steep!

Today we started at 8am after a nice breakfast consisting of egg, porridge and pancake. We started with Nepali flat until we reached the highest suspension bridge.. And was it high.. The previous one had collapsed so we were lucky to be able to cross on the new one. The climb up was steep and fairly tough but I figure it is like this until I get used to the walking and the altitude. Attitude! I can and I will!
The first hours it was raining but not bad, bit we all had our ponchos and rain jackets on. 
From the bottom of the bridge we could see the top of the mountain and it was high and far away. After the very scary bridge we started to head uphill, and this was very hard for me. Luckily I got support from one Sherpa, Boan. He kept me company throughout the trek and I know it was because I was a bit weak. Finally after 4 hours we got to the beautiful Namche bazaar. I don't think that I have been happier ever to get somewhere :) 

Entrance to Sagarmatha* national park (*Everest)
When we entered the park, there was a little info centre with a 3d model of the park. Really cool to see how it all looks from all sides. 
Me at the entrance

Steps with no end
The hardest with the walks are these high steps! It's like stairs but in the wild and made of big stones. Really well done, but for a dwarf like me with the shortest legs it's like climbing a bed every time. God is it annoying! But doable :)

Namche Bazaar
This is a cute little place! Small little shops and cafes! Just a few too many stairs around! I'm knack erred by walking around. We went to Tashis cousin (or brother, not sure :) ) to buy some wool stuff, so I got some gloves and some warm socks for my nephew. He knows everyone everywhere :) 

Day 3
Acclimatisation day in the Namche Bazaar
Today we stayed in the same village to get used to the altitude, and did a trek up 400 m to Everest view point. We hoped that the weather would be on our side, but not.. We didn't see anything unfortunately, but we got a good hard walk uphill. On the way back Jonny raced with Bali and won, but it was just crazy to see how fast those legs were running!
The chilling in the hotel and village, getting ready for tomorrow, when we will trek for 8h to Tengboche. That is on 3860 m, so a bit higher than now..

Nite nite.. Jen x


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