Snow storm and descend down to Periche.. Snow, sun, wind - all in one day!

We didn't do Kala Pattar, it was snowing and a lot of mist.. Me and Babs were up at 4am and went to the dining room. There were three of us that got up from the warm sleeping bags and out in the cold (out in the cold meaning out of the sleeping bag!) we got hot water and hot chocolate to be able to feel our limbs again, even if we both planned well and slept in the clothes we were going to walk in (also the one pair of long johns and top we have). But as the weather was bad we went to bed again at 4.30 and had a good sleep until 6.50 when a helicopter came to land. It couldn't, so it tried again - outside our window! We packed and went out fro breakfast not really sure of the next steps - Tashi had an idea that we should wait a bit and see if it clears and we could try Kala Pattar again, but it never happened which we were pretty ok with at that point. Legs were hurting, coughs, head aches.. We just wanted to get down to the oxygen! We skipped it and started to descend.

The trek down was long, 13km.. We arrived to Pheriche at 4pm and we were all walking a lot quicker than the last couple of days.. God what a difference! We are all tired now, sitting here in the guest house waiting for - pizza! Imaging pizza up in the mountains! Tashi has his contacts everywhere and fixed it :) I can't eat another potato or any fried rice.. Or sweet porridge for that matter in the morning.. When I feel this bad and lose my appetite in altitude, it's really hard to force oneself to eat, but I have to. They are on our case all the time. And I know I have to, else I feel even worse. Tonight I feel hunger for the very first time in maybe a week! Will be nice to eat normally and not having to force myself..

We are all sitting in the dining area as its warm here and I am sitting by the fire place as I was freezing properly. Now it's a lot better.. So odd to think that I was in Kathmandu and it was so warm, and here it's so cold!
Me and Babs are planning our ongoing travel after this, and the one thing we have decided is to go to Pokhara, get a nice cup of coffee by the lake there. Seems really beautiful... And relaxing :)

Tomorrow we will walk about the same distance to Namche Bazaar, where I will treat myself for the 2nd shower in two weeks :) I have even saved a clean tshirt for after. That my friends, is luxury. We talk about this a lot in the group, how lucky we are. We have so many things we really don't need and amazing comfort. We take so much for granted that so many cant even dream of. Keep sending your non-used clothes to charities as they are needed, and support proper charities financially so we can make a little difference for some of the people that have less. I am not playing God saying that I know that certain people need this or that, but I know that the good charities are helping where there is help to give in the right ways. If that is salaries for teachers, paint for class rooms etc, let it be. The locals know best, we don't. 

This is a long piece, but it just keep coming out :) I am very touched after this trip.. 

Jen x


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