Stress management

The wind and rain wasn't on our side today, the clouds covered Lukla the whole morning so we couldn't land.. Frustration was growing in the group as we all thought this was it as we had clear blue skies in Kathmandu. Lukla was completely in clouds... But, tomorrow looks better, and it has already cleared up! We are getting up at 4 am tomorrow as we are on the first flight. Fingers crossed now guys!!

We spent the day at the biggest temple in Asia and we prayed for better weather! Then we browsed through the city again, looking at the different sites.. I noticed today that I am getting used to having sand dust in my mouth.. Yes, it's pretty dusty..:)

Tonight I have had a stress management session with my travel companion Mike (the other "golden oldie").. He thought it was a great idea to watch take offs and landings from Lukla.. I'm not sure.. But I really understand why they don't go when not sure.. 
We didn't watch the crashes.. But it's pretty impressive how they manage.. Look here if you dare :) (not you mum, you shouldn't )

So, off to bed now, bags packed again and let's hope for a departure tomorrow! 

Jen x


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