Snakes and training..

soo.. went to see the 2nd Saffa-man in my life, the lovely Pierre who is my physio and trying to sort out my back for me, and he has actually managed to fix a few things so I am very excited to see how good I can get! Anyway, he is from South Africa and told me about snakes for the whole 40 mins session we had last time, and I kid you not - I was shivering! Apparently these things go into you sleeping bag, in your tent.. want to be where they are covered and cool. I am not so pleased with this knowledge.. considering that I will spend 6 days in Black Mamba-land (i.e. 6 nights in tents, in a sleeping bag..). My mum is a proper mum and worries too much, so she is of course not very pleased with this and wish I would cancel my trip and go somewhere a bit more.. snakeless.. Pierre also promised to bring me a dvd about the south african snakes so I know what to expect.. Thanks, really..nice!

Black mamba, average 2.5 m, can get up to 4.3m.. poisonous
I feel like I am back on track with my training, my cold seems to have been pushed away for now so my hopes are up! Had lots of energy the other night and went for a run, thought I'd do 30 mins sprinting but as it felt good I just kept on running and thought I'd run around the block kind of.. I got lost.. So I ended up in Hanwell at 9pm after 30 mins of running, and realized I was going the wrong way. It didnt look at all like I expected and I had to turn around so I wouldnt get totally lost in this strange place. After an hour of running I finally got back, with a great run in my legs and new knowledge about my area! Not too bad after all.

As the cold spell has hit us now its really fresh outside and I just love it. I have a new jacket which is windproof and a fleece underneath and I cant be better off. That is just fantastic! I dont know why I havent got one before, its brilliant!
I also had a read about the trekking, day by day, and it sounds so amazing and I cant wait, even if I need to get over the snake fear before. 6000 metres is quite a distance to cover and to be above the clouds is just a dream come true, even if its a cold dream come true :)

Anyway, not too long until my darling J comes back from his holiday and can tell me all about his snake experiences - as he has been to South Africa! - and I can get even more wound up...!

Jen x


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