Last night in Sweden!

So, tomorrow I'm off to London, short stop before the trip to Nepal starts!
Just finished all work stuff so I can be away and relax and not worry about work.. 
Packing is next on the agenda, not too bad as I have already taken out all I need, but it's hard to pick the few things to bring as we can't take much. 20kg incl sleeping bag.. i believe 4 shirts, 4 socks and 3 bottoms have to do. and jacket and fleece. My experience says that it's bad up to the third day, then you don't smell it anymore :) kind of part of the whole thing..
I injured my knee a month ago so I haven't been sure if I could go, but I remain positive. Doctors have advised me to take it easy and they were also optimistic as I had some time to recover. I have rested into shape this time, which is so not like the plan I had but ended up being the only plan I could have.
Ah well. I know I'm stubborn and even if things are hard I'm too proud to give in. No mom,  I won't be stupid.. :)

I will keep you posted! 
Jen xx


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