The mountains are calling me again!

Everest national park..
It is time again - I am off to Nepal in 5 days to trek through the lovely mountains of Annapurna, western Himalayas. It has now been 2,5 years since I left Nepal after a month packed of many experiences I will never forget. Many memories being from the amazing trek to Everest Base Camp, scenery from a dream and hard like a nightmare to the mind and body. But, somehow, wonderful and amazing at the same time.
Amazing views..

Other fab memories are from meeting people, lovely Nepali people. I usually say that the Nepali people are made of pure goodness, that is how it feels. Honesty, love, humbleness.. All these things in one go. One special person is of course my "little brother- Sano Bhai" Padam. He walked with me during the Everest BC trek to ensure I wasn't going to get too sick in my altitude sickness bubble of constant pounding headaches and heavy legs along with strong nausea.. You who are sensitive to altitude will know what Im talking about... Thank God for Diamox, I tell you! :) I am nowadays happy to take medicine to feel like a normal human being in the high altitudes, and that is why I this time already have sorted this out. I intend to enjoy the scenery and the fantastically beautiful Himalayas to the full and beyond.
I have proved myself twice already - I suck at altitude sickness and I admit it, I will from now on always use Diamox so I can enjoy instead of being sick..

Happy Jen when finally having reached Everest Base Camp
Padam.. we walked together for the most of 12 days in the mountains, and Padam is a great singer, and funny enough I turned out to be quite a quick learner when it comes to Nepali songs. We became quite a duo singing about birds and fairness, worth and other important existential things.

Me and Padam outside a monastery high up in the Himalayas

 I will meet my Sano Bhai in about a week from now as he has flown down from Lukla to Kathmandu to meet me, and I am very excited! Its even more exciting that he will be joining me on the trek in Annapurna, way away from his local base in the Everest region, where he will see more of his beautiful country.

Me and Tshering at the House of Commons

Another fantastic person I am going to hang out with is Dr Tshering Lama.. The MD of Childreach Nepal and the best ambassador the country can have. The amount of efforts and hard work that man has given to his people after the earthquakes in April last year is just amazing and admirable. So great that even the UK Parliament wanted to thank him in person.
I am so proud to be able to say that I have such an amazing friend and I'm ever happier to say that the Nepalese people have a great future if he will have something to do with it.
I hope I will have the opportunity to see more of the work him and his team have done, as they have managed to build classrooms for the children so they can go back to school and be safe from child traffickers who are hunting victims to sell to the horrible child slavery market. Children, especially girls, who are even more vulnerable after traumas like earthquakes.

Childreach Nepal helping after the earthquakes hit Nepal

Right now, I cant stop thinking of what is ahead of me, I am full of excitement and anticipation and Monday cant come soon enough! Boots are worn, they are only a couple of months but should have walked 50 km at
least by now, industrial double-sided tape to keep my insoles in place is also packed, along with the Windstopper hat and my wooly socks. I am ready. I am ready to once again be part of the most amazing mountain scenery in the world, where nothing else matters. I am ready to meet the loveliest people and share some amazing food and times and singing about birds being free and why water runs in the bottom of the valley reachable for everyone, if only good things are for people of a certain place or higher castes.. Questions that are so important for many of us today around the world, and that could be solved with some humanity, love and humbleness. God bless.

Jen xx


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