Love. Smile. Be grateful.

Usually my life nowadays is pretty worry-free and happy go lucky (especially on dog walks). But no one missed the devastating plane crash in Kathmandu this week. We pray and feel for the people who are grieving for their loved ones who are no longer here. I for sure have been using the last days to think about what is important and how blessed we are to live, and how that can change due to any circumstance - may it be human error, technical problem, natural causes.. the result is still the same no matter who or what we blame. So lets take a moment to think about this. 

Kathmandu Airport after the crash. Photo from Euronews
This plane crash of US Bangla followed another crash in Iran the day before, a private jet that flew out of Sharjah in UAE.  I also happened to be in Sharjah at the time this jet departed as well as when it crashed in the Iranian mountains. 
Luckily I was still in Sharjah when the Bangladeshi plane crashed in Kathmandu, as my flight to Kathmandu, which I currently am on board as I am writing this, was due to land one day later. 

But I felt pretty awful about getting on a plane after all this happening way too close to home. But it has given me some sort of cold shower and a reality check, and I have started to realise how fast things can change. 

Beautiful Patan Durbar Square
As I am currently living abroad for some months during my sabbatical, I am splitting my time volunteering and travelling around the beautiful country Nepal as well as other part of Asia. I feel that I am becoming more and more grounded and  to see what really is important and what is a nice-to-have. 
One favourite place in Kathmandu, Boudha Stupa
It is important to stop sometimes, look up and see what is around you, be in the moment and appreciate that you can be just you, where you are. I know, this sounds a bit loopy to some of you, but trust me, try!
A whole new world will open up for you, as you start to see how pretty the world is.

I have found some places around the Kathmandu Valley where I literally dont need anything more than my senses.. 
To focus on what you feel, smell, see, hear, taste without adding anything is just enough. Don't get me wrong, I do drink beer and coffee and eat a yummy momo especially around Boudha Stupa, but I hope my point came across. :) Places where you just can be.

Sandy life in Sharjah, UAE
This weekend, I had the luxury of feeling smooth sand between my toes and to dip myself in the sea. To enjoy the sunshine whilst sipping on a freshly squeezed lemonade with mint.. 
H & me by Burj Khalifa, highest building in the world

I have realised that I don’t really need much more to feel somewhat content. To also hold the hand of someone I love, just makes it complete. Really. But I am not saying that we shouldn’t indulge and enjoy what we can, quite the opposite. Why go second class if you can go first class? Why drink wine if you can have champagne? Of course. My point is that we all should make sure to live to the full. As life is so very precious. Try to enjoy the small things, and you will see that the big things will come too.

I was very emotional when going to the airport this morning with mood swings from loving, irritated, worried and ending at sobbing at the check-in desk. 
Poor H, my love, tried to reason with me with logic and facts how air travel is safe compared to any other transport and how it is extremely unlikely with two accidents in a row in the same airport. I know that, that is what I always preach about. But it doesn’t stop me from feeling the worry inside me, the general what-if’s come creeping up and of course I relate me arriving at Kathmandu airport with this devastating accident and I will probably see the wreckage when reaching the runway. 
I am not really thinking my plane will be as unfortunate, I am thinking of all the things I still have to do for myself and for others and it is time to start the doing.
Girls night out! Nora and I racing around on scooters

I am also thinking how much I long to be with my brothers and their families in a few months, go on the little scooters with my niece Nora and have a “girls ride” on the camp site. How I want to see how my oldest niece Therese growing up to this fab woman in her new beautiful home and with her blossoming career. 
Those are just two of all the fantastic people in my family that I am very proud of. 

How much I want my mother to see me happy and starting a family of my own and settle down. Finally, she would say, as she has had patience of an angel with me and my search for the right one… 
I love you, mum. Thanks for letting me settle for nothing less than the best.

Nothing but the best
My resolution to myself as of now, is to not hold back, do good, love as much as I can and never regret anything. See the positive in situations and not worry about things I can’t change. Go with the flow. Feel. Breath. Love. Smile. Be grateful.
Om mani padme hum.

Love & Light
Jen xx


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