Out with the cool kids in the Himalayas!

Jen to the top
Trekking is one of the things I love to do, and being in Nepal close to the Himalayas it is a given on my to-do list.

I have been lucky as well to have had friends visiting who have the same interest and who wants to see the remarkable landscape and mountains of this place.

I have told you about my second trek already with my friend Dan, but the first trek was in the beginning of April when my cousin Anki and my friend Milka and family were here, coincidentally at the same time. Luckily all of them enjoy the outdoors, so we could head out to explore!

Route: Phedi - Dhampus - Australian Camp - Kande -- 2 days, 1 night -- 2,000m height max
Annapurna National Park

We agreed to fly to Pokhara, 30mins flight from Kathmandu. Climate is different, the pace a lot slower and it is a popular place for Nepalese people to come for holiday too. Phewa Lake is the main place to walk along, and there are plenty of bars to choose from, all offering food, drink and live music. On a nice clear day, the famous Macchapucchere (Fish tail) mountain is visible, as well as Annapurna South Annapurna 3 and a few more, all above 7,000m.

Milka, Thibo, me and Rasmus at the start

We chose a shorter trek which although promised some challenges and views and we set out early from Pokhara to reach Phedi where the trek starts. After a couple of hours straight uphill on zig-zag stairs and then across fields, we finally reached Dhampus on 1,940m.
We found this hotel with amazing views over the mountain range and were excited to see the morning views during sunrise, as it was pretty cloudy when we set off.
Dhampus is a big village and we went to explore and found a rich animal life which Rasmus loved! Plenty of baby chics, goats, cows, buffaloes, dogs to pet and cuddle, and I think we petted all except the buffaloes and roosters. Felt better that way.
The village offers a lot of hotels and places to eat as Dhampus is a place many trekkers pass on their way to longer treks like Mardi Himal etc.

Up up up!
After a couple of Gorkha beers and food, which we truly had deserved, we split up in the girls and boys room and slept like babies in our sleeping bags. 5.30am we were up again and got to enjoy the sun rising and brightening up the Fish Tail and the Annapurnas.. Short but sweet as the clouds came fast, but still an amazing backdrop to wake up to.

Anki and I stopping for a break

After breakfast we continued on our trail to Australian Camp which was strictly uphill again, and Milka gave me the bad looks and asked who's idea it had been to trek here.. Funny that, as I was asking myself the same question :)
From left; Annapurna South and Hiunchuli
We reached Australian Camp at 2,000m where we would have been able to enjoy views hadn't it been for the clouds. Then started our descend, steep stairs downhill, to Kande for another hour where we had a jeep waiting to bring us back to Pokhara for a good earned rest. And beer.

The real heroes here were Rasmus and Thibo, 9 and 12 years old, who happily walked and were amazing company to the rest of us even if the trail was very steep at times.

Thibo trekking along the path through fields
Thibo carried a huge trekker back pack all the way, his own request, and only muttered a couple of words at the end. I would have muttered after 10 mins uphill in the beginning if I had to carry that big bag. Well done boys, and well done us :)

Next up - Mardi Himal trek!

Love & Light,
Jen xx


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