Kilimanjaro - the adventure!

Soo... yesterday I signed up to climb the highest peak of Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania! I have wanted to do this for long, and now, after a great hike up Ben Nevis in Scotland, I finally got myself to register! I am doing this with Childreach International which is a charity helping children in the areas around Kilimanjaro.
This is a common way of doing challenges in England, and I will join a group of others that also signed up for the same challenge. We all have to raise £2440 which will pay for our costs but mostly goes to the charity. I think this is a great way of fundraising!
I decided to start writing about my way to the goal to get support from my friends, so please encourage me! :)

Today, when Im now sitting eating my lunch, I am wondering how I am going to do this! How do I prepare? I am thrilled, excited and at the same time terrified! But I have a few good friends who already have done this, so I am sure it wont be a problem. But Im very focused, both on food and training..

So, Ben Nevis was a good days walk, 7h-ish. 1433 m. Kili is 5895 m, and we will trek for 6 days.
My first preparations will be good food and sleep, and a lot of cycling combined with running. Once a month, I will walk for 4-5 hours.
I got new shoes from the shop Columbia before trekking in Norway, they are really comfy and nice, but I think that I made a mistake with the socks going down Ben Nevis, as my feet were sliding inside the shoes, giving me two bruised nails.
Will see how I get on!

Thanks for reading! :)


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