Cinnamon buns and football!

All teams outside Nobel Peace Center after the Peace Walk, before the finals, 2010

Cinnamon buns!
So Im now officially a 'bun-mama' as we call them in Sweden.. Bullmamma! I have baked cakes, cinnamon buns, and sold them at the office. They werent great, but still its my 1st or 2nd try, so Im quite pleased anyway.. And, I got 10 pounds for them, so Yeah! :)
I still have a swollen knee from my fall a few weeks ago, so my exercise hasnt been too great lately, but as it got worse after my interval runs on Thursday, I thought Id leave it for a while..
So, I baked cinnamon buns instead, and I bet you they were a bit too nice to keep away from even if they looked like mini buns with too much flour.. Ah well, I didnt eat too much, so my healthy diet is still on track :)
This week has been superbusy, Im going to Oslo with work to volunteer on our MTG United for Peace Tournament for kids that is held this weekend. We have 12 teams from 12 of our countries where we operate that are playing against each other and most likely will be making friends from all over the world. I was there last year too, and it was a great experience so I am so looking forward to it even if its superhard work! But the look of the kids when they have so much fun is priceless.. And being so emotional as I am, this can only end in tears, but happy tears of course.


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