
Showing posts from March, 2013

Cheering for friendships - you know who you are!!!

I had quite a serious thought yesterday about people and friends, how some people stay in your life and some dont, and how some make such a great impression  - and some dont.. From what I know, there is only one person that really doesnt like me.. I wouldnt say hate me, as I dont think so, but close. And I have never understood how someone can feel that way, in general. Isnt that just waste of energy? But not my energy, so I cant take responsibility.. Then there are the people that I truly like, my dear friends and also the poeple that I just know. Probably friends I just havent got to know yet. Today I had lunch with a special perosn, who seems to light up my heart every time we meet. This person just gives me energy and a happy feeling inside, which is special. Thanks J for that! xx And over the weekend I spent all my time with great people, and I just havent really thought about how furtunate I am to have these guys around me.Friends who are there for good and bad are true a

Success with Green Madness!

This post is a bit later then I hoped it to come, but I have been so busy.. Ah well, here we go! The event last week went so well, and I was completely surprised by the great turnout.We more or less filled the room and the fundraising went up to around 4500SEK after all costs paid off. Really cool! I am so grateful to everyone who came to support me, and of course the musicians who all donated their time. I cant even start to explain how fantastic that is. THANKS A MILLION! We had a really cool line up - Fanny Holm, Brian O'Connor, Brian Kramer, Keith Hearne, Brian Carolan, Philip O'Connor, the base player Daniel Ramsten, Steve Waddiz Morris on drums, Thor also on drums.. they were all so fantastic, I wont explain it in words as I wouldnt be fair to them as they are so much better than I can ever explain, but I can give you links to youtube clips from the night, check them out! Fanny Holm started the evening with this great song

Tonight is the time! Green Madness!

So, now its only a few hours until the event starts, "Green Madness in Altitude!". I am actually nervous, even if I wont perform any music acts, but I guess that is normal. I should be used to this considering all the events I have managed through the years, but it has been some time now so this is really exciting.. I am eating my very LCHF-lunch/dinner based on chicken, cheese and scrambled eggs, so I should keep my energy up tonight, and to calm down the nerves I did a few rounds of my exercises.. Works well, I must say - feel a lot better now. I hope to see most of you there, that you have been smitten by the radio interview I did yesterday, the posters and all our gerilla marketing on Facebook :) It will be fab night, a great mix of music and a raffle with great prizes! Well, Im off to get ready, you should too! Jen xx

Back home.. ready for new challenges!

This last week I was in London for work, we had our biggest event for the year - Capital Markets Day - where all investors and analysts come to listen to our Executive Team while they present the strategy for next year. I am proud to say that the hard work paid out and we had a great venue which looked smashing and a great result as the share price went up :) But its not the best week for the person who wants to exercise, sleep and eat well - as there is just no time for it. I eat when I have the time, and then I eat what is served as I wont get another chance. I sleep when I am done at the venue and that is normally far past bedtime. But I wont be too hard on myself as this is part of my life and I love my job, so I have to do what I have to do. I also started the week with a sore throat and a cold coming on, but I refused and it worked. I have slept through the weekend and today I actually feel good again. Looking forward to a week full of possibilities now when things are gettin