Success with Green Madness!

This post is a bit later then I hoped it to come, but I have been so busy.. Ah well, here we go!

The event last week went so well, and I was completely surprised by the great turnout.We more or less filled the room and the fundraising went up to around 4500SEK after all costs paid off. Really cool! I am so grateful to everyone who came to support me, and of course the musicians who all donated their time. I cant even start to explain how fantastic that is. THANKS A MILLION!

We had a really cool line up - Fanny Holm, Brian O'Connor, Brian Kramer, Keith Hearne, Brian Carolan, Philip O'Connor, the base player Daniel Ramsten, Steve Waddiz Morris on drums, Thor also on drums.. they were all so fantastic, I wont explain it in words as I wouldnt be fair to them as they are so much better than I can ever explain, but I can give you links to youtube clips from the night, check them out!

Fanny Holm started the evening with this great song

Fanny taking it away, photo borrowed from Roland Boss

Brtian O'Connor - brilliant singer who came in between two other gigs to sing a few songs for us.. Thanks Brian for doing that!

Phil O'Connor - not only a good singer, also the chairman of the Swedish-Irish Organisation in Stockholm

Keith Hearne, he was probably the hero of the night. To listen, check htis out:

Brian Kramer - such a cool guy, and he totally blew me away with his songs.. I managed to film a bit, but that doesnt do him right. Look him up and go and sit down and listen live - fantastic! Brian also did something special; on the coming Monday he had an event where he said that Childreach would get sales from the first 10 CDs. We got another few hundred kronor there, thanks Brian :)

And, my fantastic and dear friend Brian Burns. There are not many people like him, but he does work his magic both on and outside the stage. Without him, this evening wouldnt have happened and I am so thankful that I have such friends in my life, as well as the other guys, Dan, Steve.. you are all amazing!

So, I am very happy with the result of this evening, we managed to spread the word to about 70 people and my fundraising level go a lot higher - Childreach was very impressed by our event, of course!

As we also had a raffle with fantastic prizes, I would like to thank all sponsors!
Wirströms Pub - Thanks for the dinner voucher!
The Liffeys - Thanks to you too for the voucher with the "extras"!
O'Connells - Thanks to you for the dinner voucher!
Go Sport Travel - Thanks to you gor the two tickets to Spurs - Southampton - the greatest Spurs-fan in the room got them, even if he didnt win them. The real winner gave them to him as he knew he would appreciate it more - that put a gold frame on the evening :)
Man United FC - Thanks for donating a shirt signed by Ryan Giggs - a very nice gentlemen in the crowd won it and was very happy!


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