Cheering for friendships - you know who you are!!!

I had quite a serious thought yesterday about people and friends, how some people stay in your life and some dont, and how some make such a great impression  - and some dont..
From what I know, there is only one person that really doesnt like me.. I wouldnt say hate me, as I dont think so, but close. And I have never understood how someone can feel that way, in general. Isnt that just waste of energy? But not my energy, so I cant take responsibility..

Then there are the people that I truly like, my dear friends and also the poeple that I just know. Probably friends I just havent got to know yet.

Today I had lunch with a special perosn, who seems to light up my heart every time we meet. This person just gives me energy and a happy feeling inside, which is special. Thanks J for that! xx

And over the weekend I spent all my time with great people, and I just havent really thought about how furtunate I am to have these guys around me.Friends who are there for good and bad are true assets in life.

Today, I want to thank Tess, Martin, Örjan, Zeina, Tina, Jsesica, Christin, Daniel, Brian B, Brian C, Dan R, Joseph, Anne, Brendan, Kristoffer, Thomas and Janne - for just being the fantastic YOU! You glowed this weekend and made mine glow too!

Today I cheer for friendship, that particular special one....I think you deserve some attention!

Lets hope for a warmer sunny day tomorrow, and for less coughs and sore throats! YEAY!

Jen xx


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