Colourful changemaking and big cats

Wow, this last month has been action packed and I have to revert back to end of March to catch up. 

Scandi tour of Kathmandu
Anki and I at Boudha stupa
I had the pleasure of visits from both my cousin Ann Kristin from Oslo and my dear friend Milka and her family from France. Then Dan came from the UK and now Anna from the UK is here, she is although here working but still. I am loving it!

 After the obligatory sight seeing around Kathmandu, Ann Kristin and I went together with Anamika from Childreach Nepal to volunteer at their Meera Centre, a centre for Early Childhood Development outside Panauti, around 40km east of Kathmandu. Ann Kristin enjoyed the day shift with the children supporting the teacher as she is also a kindergarten teacher and I had the great job to paint the centre at night and refresh the classrooms in a bright happy green colour.

Anki playing with the kids
The painter woman
 We spent the nights sleeping on the classroom floor which reminded us both about the old times when the football or handball teams were out on tournaments or similar, and it was all hunky dory until we both woke up by some noises clearly suggesting something bigger than a mouse was inside the school or wanted to get 
in to the school.
We had great helpers to finish the job!

Anamika was sound asleep next to us, far away from the scary reality we were both facing. I saved up enough courage to walk out in the corridor to see if I could see something, but there was nothing. I was happily unaware of the windows we had forgotten to close in one of the classrooms when painting as else.. We finally fell asleep again around 2am and had some stories to tell in the morning.


..and after!

A school teacher then told us that there had been sightings of snow leopards in the area the last couple of days and it might have been them paying us a visit. I don't need to tell you that we triple checked the locks on the door and windows the next night.. Most likely some of these bigger kitties came to see us, but didn't get in. These kitties kill humans, like..

We finished off the painting on Thursday morning and spent the afternoon hiking up a hill nearby, Namo Buddha. 
Namo Buddha is on the hilltop to the right
Namo Buddha
At the top is a monastery and the tale says that thousands of years ago, three princes were out hunting and they found a tigress with her cubs. She was too weak to hunt to feed herself and would die if she wouldn't get food leading to the cubs also dying. The youngest prince, "Great Being", thought that he had so many good fortunes and that offering his flesh to feed the tigress would save her and her cubs, and be a good deed.

Heading up to Namo Buddha
 He went back to the tigress, telling his older brothers to go back to their parents as he had something to do. His mother was having a nap, and dreamt that three white doves were flying and the smallest one got taken by a hawk. She woke up distraught, thinking that the three doves must be her sons and that her youngest was in danger. The youngest had tried to get the tigress to wake up that much that she would eat him, but she was too tired. Then he cut himself and spread his blood around her mouth, and that made her senses wake up and she finally got up and ate him. 
From the place where Great Being offered himself to the tigress
The other two brothers went back to the spot where they had seen the tigress and the cubs, and only found the ripped clothes from their younger brother. As the Queen mother and the others in the family were very upset, Great Being, now reborn as Great Courage in the heavenly kingdom called Tushita, came back in spirit and spoke to them all and explained what he had done and why he wanted to save the cubs, and they all agreed that it was very praiseworthy and that separation from our lives on earth is a natural cause and should not be feared. If you live a life doing good deeds, you will be reborn in a nice place and if doing bad deeds, you will be reborn in a dark place. The family then committed to do only good deeds to people and hope to meet in the next lives. 

I find a lot of learnings in this tale, and I am grateful that I got to go there.

Be good, do good.

Love & Light
Jen xx


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