
Showing posts from January, 2012

Arsenal football raffle! Linda the lucky winner!

Today was the day every keen Arsenal fan had waited for - THE DRAW! I had gathered all my colleagues in our canteen to finally draw the winner of the signed Arsenal football, and the lucky winner was Linda! As football isnt really her main interest, she very nicely sold the football to a very keen supporter for 50GBP which she straight away donated to Childreach International! Today has been a great day for my fundraising, for sure! After my next fundraising event, the Football Tournament on the 12th of February , I can start to focus solely on my physical training as I expect to be well again, have a horrible cold at the moment (again!!!) and get stronger and fitter. After seeing my physio today again, I have hopes to be ready and strong in time! :) My bit is to do exercises 2 x day and stretches.. Man, I am probably their most devoted patient as I actually do my exercises as I am told.. :) This weekend is all about getting well, taking walks and having a C-vitamin feast! Ha

Raffle, training and back going forward!

I am getting excited now for the raffle draw on Friday, I have quite a few interested winners as I have sold around 250 tickets so far, and a few more out there wanting to get the chance to win! If you want to get one but havent contacted me yet, make sure you do so! Another good news today is that I will be writing a chronicle for Utemagasinet after my trip, and I am really looking forward to that, I have done it previously and it is really fun to put down in words what you just done. Back going forward! I am running and doing quite a lot of shoulder and back training, as part of my physio treatment. I can feel that I am much stronger so its actually motivating to keep going even if the exercises arent all that exciting.. I know I will be ready in 10 weeks, no doubt. I think its getting more and more exciting to think about how interesting it will be to make this journey with a bunch of people I dont know and we will form a team to reach the top. Attitude, attitude...! Jen

Swedish press and Arsenal supports!

Wow, what a morning! It started with a package from Arsenal with a signed football from the 1st team! That one will go on a raffle for 2 pounds a ticket! So grateful - Thanks Arsenal for your support! If you want to participate in the raffle, email me - Then I get a whole page in my local newspaper from home as they think my cause is good and want to highlight it. Thanks Allehanda for your support! Training Went to a spinning class yesterday at my gym and the leader was fab! A short woman (shorter than me!!) that was jumping off her bike to check our resistance on the bikes! Man, that is motivation! Hard class, but fun! One of her lines was 'Imagine that you are climbing a mountain!' If she only knew how right that was to say when I was there... Tonight there is a Boxercise class that I think can be interesting, I do like that.. Have a good day everyone, I surely am! J

Football tournament #2! All booked!

There we go, all done and booked for the next tournament! I am so excited! This time I am aiming for 10 teams and a great day! Just send me an email if you want register!


I have finally found a gym that works in all ways; close to home, nice fee, right classes and weights! I will climb that mountain, literally! Went to check it out and it looked great so I joined and tried pilates which happened to be on. Not my preference but it is supposed to be good for you posture and back, and as my physio and chiropractor both are working on my posture and back muscles, I thought this could be a good thing to try. I guess you need to learn this breathing in and out business to make this hard, because I didnt really find it too interesting. As the footballer and runner that I am, I like to sweat, get dirty and have a high pulse. But I have heard that when you learn the breathing it is really good. But I will go for the spinning classes and to my running as well. Mr J, my boyfriend and greatest supporter, is very much into weights and I have promised to come with him for some sessions now.. Looking forward :) especially for when I take him to my spinning classes (a

3 months to go!

Back from Christmas holidays and well rested! Spent two great weeks at my parents in Sweden and you cant really ask for more. It was a shame we didnt have more snow for skiing and ice skating, but I guess that will be for later. Kilimanjaro is now getting closer, and I cant wait! A bit more fundraising to do, I have a big plan for a football tournament in the beginning of february, with around 10 teams and a celeb-team. This will be exciting if it all comes into place. Well, WHEN it all comes into place. Apart from that, I have a big bunch of clothes that I will sell at a car boot sale so Im sure I be done with all fundraising before dead line! When it comes to training, I need to step it up a gear.. Have had a cold now for a while but finally getting back to normal so I cant wait to get myself out in the parks and the gym again! Probably coughing and breathing like a 77 year old, but hey, have to start again! :) jen