3 months to go!

Back from Christmas holidays and well rested! Spent two great weeks at my parents in Sweden and you cant really ask for more. It was a shame we didnt have more snow for skiing and ice skating, but I guess that will be for later.
Kilimanjaro is now getting closer, and I cant wait! A bit more fundraising to do, I have a big plan for a football tournament in the beginning of february, with around 10 teams and a celeb-team. This will be exciting if it all comes into place. Well, WHEN it all comes into place.
Apart from that, I have a big bunch of clothes that I will sell at a car boot sale so Im sure I be done with all fundraising before dead line!

When it comes to training, I need to step it up a gear.. Have had a cold now for a while but finally getting back to normal so I cant wait to get myself out in the parks and the gym again! Probably coughing and breathing like a 77 year old, but hey, have to start again! :)



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