Raffle, training and back going forward!

I am getting excited now for the raffle draw on Friday, I have quite a few interested winners as I have sold around 250 tickets so far, and a few more out there wanting to get the chance to win!
If you want to get one but havent contacted me yet, make sure you do so!
Another good news today is that I will be writing a chronicle for Utemagasinet after my trip, and I am really looking forward to that, I have done it previously and it is really fun to put down in words what you just done.

Back going forward!
I am running and doing quite a lot of shoulder and back training, as part of my physio treatment. I can feel that I am much stronger so its actually motivating to keep going even if the exercises arent all that exciting..
I know I will be ready in 10 weeks, no doubt.

I think its getting more and more exciting to think about how interesting it will be to make this journey with a bunch of people I dont know and we will form a team to reach the top. Attitude, attitude...!



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