
I have finally found a gym that works in all ways; close to home, nice fee, right classes and weights! I will climb that mountain, literally! Went to check it out and it looked great so I joined and tried pilates which happened to be on. Not my preference but it is supposed to be good for you posture and back, and as my physio and chiropractor both are working on my posture and back muscles, I thought this could be a good thing to try. I guess you need to learn this breathing in and out business to make this hard, because I didnt really find it too interesting. As the footballer and runner that I am, I like to sweat, get dirty and have a high pulse. But I have heard that when you learn the breathing it is really good. But I will go for the spinning classes and to my running as well.
Mr J, my boyfriend and greatest supporter, is very much into weights and I have promised to come with him for some sessions now.. Looking forward :) especially for when I take him to my spinning classes (as a return favor ;) )
I have decided to try cross training as well, as that would suit me and my physio therapy... well, will let you know how it goes!



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