
Showing posts from February, 2013

Back in the game!

After being away at meetings for a week in London, I am back on track again - literally! I went out tonight for interval training, and yes - it is just as fun as it sounds. The good thing is that it ends fairly quick :) No, its not that bad, just tough.. and I am sure that I will find it a lot more fun the more I do it. 8 x up that bloody hill... My legs thought I was joking :) Nevertheless, work is done and I feel good! I finished off with 40 push ups, which even surprised me as I did 30 on my toes - getting there, slowly.. I had to email Rickard to tell him, as I dont think he was very impressed with my previous week away, as I had these exercises to do, but somehow 12h work days and then dinners with the team does take both time and energy away from you.. Probably a bad excuse, but it is. Its my excuse. As we are off to London next week again, I have a different plan. Less alcohol in the dinners, trying for early evenings and deciding that I will do my workouts in my room one o

Personal Trainer!

Today I met with Rickard, my Personal Trainer. I cant believe that I was scared to meet him, he is such a nice guy. We have a good plan how to make me the strongest lady in town, and I believe that we can make this happen. My first sessions will be with me, myself and I - and I have a few exercises to do while being away next week travelling. There is one - the burpie - that I dont think I will do when anyone is looking..!! Haha, that would be for my private time. I never thought it would be so incouraging to have a PT, I really feel like this will be lots of fun and I look forward to the result. His plan and thoughts were so in line with my own, I am sure this will be really cool. Jen x

Yey - training has started!

Woop Woop! She is on the go!! My new years resolution was to get out of the office by the latest 6pm, and so far - so so.. but what I have managed this last week is to train every other day. I am really glad that I got the time. Lots of people say that its just to make the time, and I wish it worked like that. I cant really plan my day like that, and so says most of us in our office. Our current workload is a bit high, yes, and we are all that loyal that we stay until its done, and that is omething we are proud of and that makes us strong. And that has taken us places , too. So, I will keep this up for next week, every other day this body will work hard! Remember I told you about the PT to-be? The morning after I wrote that, he contacted me and wondered if it was time to get going. Isnt that a bit funny? So I am trying to make next week the first week of our life :) gosh, its posh! but I will soon have my own PT, and I will have to work my ass off, and Im scared! In a good way. He

Raining, training and fundraising!

Training in rain.. After a weekend of the finest exercise, I was really keen on a long walk today, the 2 hour walk home.. but it has started raining quite a bit.. Now the big question - shall I conquer the weather or stay dry? I just made up my mind actually - on my way to change already! :) I always find the weather to be a great source of motivation - or - demotivation. I need to change that way of thinking, as I do have good clothes that would keep my dry all the way home. I remember when I was younger and I played football in rain, snow, wind - no problem! And cross country skiing in -20 Celcius - that I did too. What changed during the years - did I get more sensitive or just comfortable? No, time for change! At home I have a nice salmon/sea food lasagne waiting and also my dear friend Joseph is coming today. I better get going! Fundraising page! I have as well a fundraising page where you can donate money as and when you wish, you just need your card and then - done!

Muscle ache is a good feeling..!

Had a very fruitful and busy weekend - lots of socialising, but the feeling which is very close, is the muscle ache.. I went with my fab niece to the gym yesterday, the first time for a while, and as I always been fairly fit and strong, I was a bit shocked to feel how hard it was, all of it. The running, the weights, the exercises. We spend about 1,5h there, and then I felt ok. Closer to the evening, the pain hit me.. And this morning I had to literally roll out of bed as my tummy was so sore. Hmm.. I guess it gets better. I hope. I have heard that the best thing to do, is to exercise easy, so I went out for a run. It felt so good, so I did 6,5 km, quite a good pace even - then a hot bath and streching - and I believe it worked! I am calling my PT to-be tomorrow, I have waited long enough - now it is time! I am shit-scared! I want to be the strong fit myself, but I have to face that that person is currently not me. But will be - patience. Well, have to get my beauty sleep - see you f