Muscle ache is a good feeling..!

Had a very fruitful and busy weekend - lots of socialising, but the feeling which is very close, is the muscle ache.. I went with my fab niece to the gym yesterday, the first time for a while, and as I always been fairly fit and strong, I was a bit shocked to feel how hard it was, all of it. The running, the weights, the exercises. We spend about 1,5h there, and then I felt ok. Closer to the evening, the pain hit me.. And this morning I had to literally roll out of bed as my tummy was so sore. Hmm.. I guess it gets better. I hope. I have heard that the best thing to do, is to exercise easy, so I went out for a run. It felt so good, so I did 6,5 km, quite a good pace even - then a hot bath and streching - and I believe it worked! I am calling my PT to-be tomorrow, I have waited long enough - now it is time!
I am shit-scared! I want to be the strong fit myself, but I have to face that that person is currently not me. But will be - patience.
Well, have to get my beauty sleep - see you folks!

Jen x


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