Raining, training and fundraising!

Training in rain..

After a weekend of the finest exercise, I was really keen on a long walk today, the 2 hour walk home.. but it has started raining quite a bit.. Now the big question - shall I conquer the weather or stay dry?
I just made up my mind actually - on my way to change already! :)
I always find the weather to be a great source of motivation - or - demotivation. I need to change that way of thinking, as I do have good clothes that would keep my dry all the way home.
I remember when I was younger and I played football in rain, snow, wind - no problem!
And cross country skiing in -20 Celcius - that I did too.
What changed during the years - did I get more sensitive or just comfortable? No, time for change!

At home I have a nice salmon/sea food lasagne waiting and also my dear friend Joseph is coming today. I better get going!

Fundraising page!
I have as well a fundraising page where you can donate money as and when you wish, you just need your card and then - done!

Here is the link to my fundraising page -

                                                    Motivation!!! I can do it too!

Jen x


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