Back in the game!

After being away at meetings for a week in London, I am back on track again - literally! I went out tonight for interval training, and yes - it is just as fun as it sounds. The good thing is that it ends fairly quick :)
No, its not that bad, just tough.. and I am sure that I will find it a lot more fun the more I do it. 8 x up that bloody hill... My legs thought I was joking :)

Nevertheless, work is done and I feel good! I finished off with 40 push ups, which even surprised me as I did 30 on my toes - getting there, slowly..
I had to email Rickard to tell him, as I dont think he was very impressed with my previous week away, as I had these exercises to do, but somehow 12h work days and then dinners with the team does take both time and energy away from you.. Probably a bad excuse, but it is. Its my excuse.
As we are off to London next week again, I have a different plan. Less alcohol in the dinners, trying for early evenings and deciding that I will do my workouts in my room one of the evenings.
I can be very stubborn so this should be easy if I make this my priority. I dont like Rickard being disappointed with me, and not myself either. So - change is ahead.

I am moving this weekend as well, and that is a bit stressful as I dont have enough boxes at home. Luckily my dear friend UC has some which she said I could take, so that is great. Strange how one can collect so much in such a short space of time! I only moved here in September!

Time is also getting closer for the event "Green Madness in Altitude" - only 3 weeks away now. I am so excited, I hope there will be loads of people! The musicians definately deserve that, and I think I do too.

Ah well, have to jump in bed - have a huge pile of laundry getting dry in the laundry room and a big day at work - looking forward!

Jen x


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