Yey - training has started!

Woop Woop! She is on the go!!
My new years resolution was to get out of the office by the latest 6pm, and so far - so so.. but what I have managed this last week is to train every other day. I am really glad that I got the time. Lots of people say that its just to make the time, and I wish it worked like that. I cant really plan my day like that, and so says most of us in our office. Our current workload is a bit high, yes, and we are all that loyal that we stay until its done, and that is omething we are proud of and that makes us strong.
And that has taken us places , too.
So, I will keep this up for next week, every other day this body will work hard!

Remember I told you about the PT to-be? The morning after I wrote that, he contacted me and wondered if it was time to get going. Isnt that a bit funny? So I am trying to make next week the first week of our life :) gosh, its posh! but I will soon have my own PT, and I will have to work my ass off, and Im scared! In a good way. He is tough this guy, Rickard. But so am I.

Looking forward to the event on the 16th, will be really cool! I am so excited and I hope that a lot of people will come and watch all these great musicians playing for this great cause.

Woop woop! Keep safe and look after yourselves! Jen xx


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