Dates in the desert

Being in a different country than where your loved one is, is not always easy. It is actually quite hard, but it does get easier with time. It also gets easier when you know that your loved one is travelling 7h to make sure that you meet, and make sure to be there to meet you at the airport when you arrive. Yes, I know, I am living a love story, and what better day to tell you about it than Valentines Day.

Last week, we had a date (not the kind you eat) in Abu Dhabi, in the UAE. The first date after we said our goodbyes in Kathmandu a month ago, so I can easily say that we both were quite excited to meet again in a place in the middle between us.

I must admit though, that UAE to me is very much Lalaland, and not exactly my choice of holiday destination as there is only recent history, no nature except from desert and wine can only be purchased in hotels. But it is a friendly place and chilled, which is exactly what we were after.

I just cant get over the fancy-pancy restaurants all in gold decorations and the buildings are touching the sky and architecture that has so much attitude that it is fascinating.
It does work perfect for a romantic getaway when you just want a nice place to be together, and a shisha at night.

From inside the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

We started off by checking out the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, which is a definite must-do in Abu Dhabi, an extraordinary building with so much beautiful detail.

Very peaceful and nice place.
Both ladies and men can borrow a gown if the dress code isn't totally followed, and they are of a nice silky material.

This mosque took 11 years to build and was finished in 2007, and design and construction has been inspired by multiple international Muslim
communities and the decor comes from various countries around the world. This mix has resulted in a fantastic building with so much detail from floor to ceiling that you don't know when to stop looking, as you always find something new to see.

Fantastic detail on the pillars
The Persian carpet in the main prayer hall in the mosque is known to be the biggest carpet in the world, with it's 5,627 m2 size and weight of 35 ton.. It took over two years to complete by over 1,200 carpet knitters.
The lighting is designed to reflect the phases of the moon, and the floral courtyard is said to be the biggest example of marble mosaic in the world with its 1,700 m2

The rest of the interior is equally mesmerizing, chandeliers bigger than your kitchen, glass windows looking like art.. I can go on. Point is - don't skip this visit.
The main prayer hall

The rest of the week held a lot of walking, Ferrari World visit, lots photos being taken from very high places and a road trip to Oman.

Ferrari World is just what it says it is, cars on show and loads of souvenirs with the Ferrari logo on everywhere.
They also have roller coasters, where one is Formula Rossa, the worlds fastest roller coaster actually, with a speed of 240km/h. No, we didn't go..

At Ferrari World
Photo from 74th floor, Etihad Towers
A road trip where we discovered that we are both aggressive co-drivers but equally forgiving drivers, that the handicraft souk in Sohar has no shops and that a walk on the beach is all you really need.

To drive on the high ways in UAE is a bliss, the roads are good and the speed is high. Even if someone apparently drives like a granny...
We arrived into Oman pretty easily and the graveled landscape started to show itself in front of us, with random camels trotting around on the side of the road. Some what exotic :)

My love and I on the Oman beaches

The return back to UAE was a bit exciting as we first got a bit lost, due to, in my opinion, bad map reading by co-driver, and then some missed turns. We got to the right road and arrived at a border crossing, it was although not the right one. We turned around the car and went to another one - again the wrong one. 30 mins drive later we finally got to the right place, immigration done and I was pretty relieved as sun was setting and I wasn't up for searching a border control in the darkness.


Summing up this week - great shishas and chats by the pool, stunning views from high above and beach walks are the best, as well as my wonderful man. I love you babe, Happy Valentines Day.

Love and light,
Jen xx


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