We are building a greenhouse!!

This week something really cool happened, I am so excited!!!!

Earlier this week, I got a confirmed donation from a London-based building services engineering company, Karsons Consulting, for a greenhouse that Childreach Nepal will build in a village called Manekharka so they can start tomato farming. This means that the shops in the village don't need to buy tomatoes from other villages, who bought from another supplier... the cost has tripled when it reaches the end of the supply chain!

The need of tomatoes is big as a lot of  NGO's have workers in this area and the hotels in the village want to be able to offer tomatoes in their menus. Soon they can offer their own organically grown tomatoes!
The agreed set up is to give the greenhouse to the school, where the students will be responsible to look after the tomatoes and by that learn tomato farming first hand.

Since the tomatoes will be produced locally the community will be able to purchase the product at a cheaper rate.

I just love how the win-win-win-win just happens when a little bit of help comes in to start it off.
The circle starts with..

1. School gets greenhouse
2. Students learn farming and responsibility
3. School sells tomatoes for reasonable prices and get funds to improve the school and expand their farming
4. Shops and hotels get better prices and organic tomatoes
5. Guests happy and returns
6. The village buys their own tomatoes and supports their children's education and future
7. More demand to school for more tomatoes.....

Why supporting a greenhouse for a charity in Nepal?
Karsons Consulting has paid an interest into what Childreach Nepal has been doing over the last years, and to see their amazing work in the construction of 10 new "earthquake-safe" schools and 86 classrooms made them feel that there was a direct link with what Karsons Consulting specializes in. Therefore also an easy decision to support a project like this which also gives back a lot to the community. A very easy win-win for them, and it isn't harder than this.
Check out more about them on www.karsonsconsulting.com

I just love sitting on the front row watching all of this happening in front of me. Such a rewarding place to be. 

Man, I love tomatoes - lets now see how many more responsible companies we have out there that also can support Childreach Nepal for more sustainable initiatives!

Love & light,
Jen xx


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