
Showing posts from 2016

Day 5 - Broken legs and banana lassi - I did it!!

Breakfast with a view from Hille I woke up this morning, my last morning in the mountains and my legs could hardly carry me. Tired and not my best me, as you can see.. I didn't really expect the downhill trek to be so much harder on my legs than the uphill trek! But the exceptional views this clear morning along with the singing of the birds makes it a bit easier. We have a relaxed breakfast, today we don't have to walk far nor hard, proper flat and only some hours. My contribution to comedy.. I could scare anyone at the breakfast table The first 20 meters were a killer for my calves and knees but then I'm ok. It is good that I have done this before, I know the pain will go away. But its not so great until then, but keeping moving is the trick for now. We leave the lovely Hille and start our walk. I try to embrace as much as I can, feeling a bit sad that it is soon over, and at the same time accomplished and proud that I have done it. I didn't expect that m

Day 4 . Sunrise in the Himalayas and drinking tea in a popcorn pan

This morning we got up at 5am and starting walking to Poon Hill. We had to use our head torches, as it was still pitch dark, we couldn't see a thing ahead of us. Still night, Daulagiri, 8,167 m Gopal took the lead and we walked on and on.. steps, steps, steps... but it was ok, I am used to them now. We stopped at one point, maybe 45 mins up, and we could see the outline of the mountains and that was something I have never seen before. It was still dark, but I could see the mountains shapes. And it took my breath away. The Fish Tail before sunrise We walked on and we weren't alone, loads of people were seeking the views this morning. And we were all soon to know why. OH MY GOD - THAT IS WHAT WE CALL VIEWS!! Padam and Gopal with the amazing background Poon Hill delivered more than expected! I was totally blown away in the early hours, where ever I looked there was something majestic looking back at me. Words can't describe it, pictures might.. And sunrise ov

Day 3 - The Fishtail & Co playing peek-a-boo!

05.48 - that was the time when I opened the two blue this morning. I was laying in my sleeping bed, comfortably warm and listening to the noises from the people in the house. One thing that is always a given here is that the village wakes up early. I can also hear the birds, and I wonder if birds sing in the rain or... "Jennie, Jennie!" followed by "knock, knock" on the door! Its Gopal calling for me, and I realize that my thought was right; the weather must have cleared and there was something waiting outside for me..! Annapurna South Machupucchare, The Fish Tail.. I was out of bed in 2 seconds and jumped into my boots in my PJs, and out we went. Gopal said he wanted to take the chance as there was a bit of a view. And he was right. The big Machapuchare, also known as The Fish Tail mountain, with its majestic look and height of 6,993 m was out of the clouds, as well as Annapurna South, 7,219 m.. I always feel so astonished when I see views like this, I fe

Day 2 - a trek through jungle, rain drizzle and tranquility. This is why I do it!

Boss Gopal ready to go! Oh my god what a day!! I woke up with sore hamstrings and gluts, just like I deserve after a day like yesterday. I went down for my first breakfast in the mountains, and the omelette tasted fantastic, just as expected. Old Ghandruk We started walking around 8.30am as we wanted to check out the old village of Ghandruk before heading on. And man was I glad Gopal suggested this! This village looks amazing with its old houses. It was like a different century, really interesting. Gopal explained that it is only the Gurungs living there. After the obligatory morning selfie, we started the trek from 1,960 m to reach our goal Tada Pani at 2,630 m, so a bit of an ascent for us.. The trek was going through the jungle. This was the moment I started to move into tranquility and myself, and these are the moments I just love. Time stops, I can only hear and feel myself breathe, apart from the noises from the jungle and all is just - perfect. Morning

Day 1: Poon Hill trek in Annapurna! I think I am going to die the stairs death..

Have you ever looked up a mountain and thought, "yes, lets walk up 50 million steps to the lovely village on the other side of the mountain"? You haven't? Didn't think so... I just did that today and it was as much fun as it sounds.. but it is very rewarding to ascend, and Jen is going for the top! The day started with a first stop at the pole shop, and the sales man was there and could show us how to use my Star-Wars-saber-kind-of-trekking poles.. was dead easy when you know how to do it! Then the taxi started to drive up the mountains in the pouring rain. Yes, pouring, not drizzling. The higher we got, the thicker the fog. I was quite scared a few times, as we literally saw nothing. People, bikes, cars, cliffs just turned up.. But the driver knew the road and Gopal was calm in the front seat, so me and Padam were both calm in the back seat. The guide is the boss and I decided there and then that he now decides over my life for the next 5 days. Not so great vie

Pokhara - pre-trek relaxation in heaven on earth; the city of lakes by Annapurna!

Pokhara.. what can I say... this place is the opposite of the busy and dusty Kathmandu, no traffic and a humid tropical climate.. but its equally pretty even if its just the opposite.. Last time I was going by bus with Barbora and I remember a very bumpy ride for 6 hours.. This time, Nima had booked me flight tickets with Buddha Air (of course you go with Buddha's airline if you can). I landed safe and sound after a 30 mins flight  where I got the pleasure to meet a new friend, Nicole from Australia. Due to the unsure departure time from Kathmandu, we had a few hours to get to know each other and being equally amazed by the really laid back airport.. "Your departure is later". Later was a bit unclear to what that was.. just later :) When later finally came, we boarded this small-ish plane and took off. Buddha Air was great and got us landing safe and sound. Me and Nicole changed details before she went off to meet her new home where she was going to volunteer for

Namaste Kathmandu!

Dust and pollution.. and absolutely fabulous.. How this adds up is foreign to me too, but it does. Ask anyone of us Nepal lovers, and we will all say the same thing. This place is magic. I felt like a queen being picked up by Nima, who runs Charity Expeditions and his son Tshering JR at the airport after my brief stop in New Delhi. I was rather tired but that somehow washed off like it does when you are in a place you have longed to be at for a long time. After a little drive, the boys dropped me off at Hotel Tibet International in Boudha area, and I checked into a nice room which was going to be my home for a while. Little did I know that I would be checking in three times to the same room, but that would just make it feel a little bit more like home., After washing off my travel dust, Nima and Tshering came back and we met up with my dear sano bhai (little brother) Padam who had flown in from Lukla to trek with me a bit later in the week. I was excited to meet him again and