Pokhara - pre-trek relaxation in heaven on earth; the city of lakes by Annapurna!

Pokhara.. what can I say... this place is the opposite of the busy and dusty Kathmandu, no traffic and a humid tropical climate.. but its equally pretty even if its just the opposite..

Last time I was going by bus with Barbora and I remember a very bumpy ride for 6 hours.. This time, Nima had booked me flight tickets with Buddha Air (of course you go with Buddha's airline if you can). I landed safe and sound after a 30 mins flight  where I got the pleasure to meet a new friend, Nicole from Australia. Due to the unsure departure time from Kathmandu, we had a few hours to get to know each other and being equally amazed by the really laid back airport.. "Your departure is later". Later was a bit unclear to what that was.. just later :)

When later finally came, we boarded this small-ish plane and took off. Buddha Air was great and got us landing safe and sound. Me and Nicole changed details before she went off to meet her new home where she was going to volunteer for a month, and I went to the hotel for the night. I have a feeling I will see her again somewhere in the world..

My hotel is very close to the lake, Phewa Tal, which I am very drawn to every time I see it. The water has this magnetizing way about it and the small boats in all colors of the rainbow just make it look like its from a fairy tale.

Movie in the making by Pokhara Lake

I took an evening stroll by the lake and sat down to watch the people (and being eaten by mosquitoes..) and managed to get first row for an Nepali movie in the making! After the mosquitoes had their dinner, I decided to slowly walk home and get some walking poles on the way.

Rehab and mountain hiking..
As most of my friends and family would know, I have been trying to come back from a strange back injury for the last 2 years, and I have had my ups and downs where walking to work for 15 mins has been a challenge.
Dal Bhat!

I was not sure when I booked this trip in January 2016 that I would be able to go through with a trek, but no way Im going to the place I love the most on earth without trekking.. I have worked hard with my rehab coach and I should be fine. Have to be as I have mountains to climb, views to see..

I know one thing, posture is everything (thanks Mikael), I need to keep back straight when walking with a backpack and keep my chest open so I can breath better in the altitude, so I decided to invest in some good trekking poles. The sales man at the shop was very good, and even if I only wanted some normal ones as I usually don't use them if I'm not in high altitude, I ended up with top-of-the-range hi-tech poles. Oh well, I like to support the locals, so I guess that was all fine..

I am so ready for this trek! 

After having a wonderful Nepali Dal Bhat (rice, lentils, curry) I am sitting in my room and I have decided to check out my new trekking poles. I CAN'T WORK OUT HOW TO USE THEM! The locking mechanism is just weird, and no matter how much I google Black Diamonds various poles, nothing works! Great! Just great!
I give up, it is 1am and I am meeting my guide Gopal and Padam at 8am already. Just great...

Good night from Pokhara, a very excited Jen is ready (even with stupid trekking poles) for an amazing trek!

Subha ratri!
Jen xx


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