Namaste Kathmandu!

Dust and pollution.. and absolutely fabulous..

How this adds up is foreign to me too, but it does. Ask anyone of us Nepal lovers, and we will all say the same thing. This place is magic.

I felt like a queen being picked up by Nima, who runs Charity Expeditions and his son Tshering JR at the airport after my brief stop in New Delhi. I was rather tired but that somehow washed off like it does when you are in a place you have longed to be at for a long time.

After a little drive, the boys dropped me off at Hotel Tibet International in Boudha area, and I checked into a nice room which was going to be my home for a while. Little did I know that I would be checking in three times to the same room, but that would just make it feel a little bit more like home.,

After washing off my travel dust, Nima and Tshering came back and we met up with my dear sano bhai (little brother) Padam who had flown in from Lukla to trek with me a bit later in the week.
I was excited to meet him again and to hear about his mountaineering course and everything else, so that was really cool.

Me and my Nepali brother Padam, reunited after 2.5 years. So proud of him!
We decided to have a pizza in the Boudha area by the stupa. For anyone of you not having a clue what Im talking about, Boudhanath is an area about 10 km outside the city of Kathmandu, and the stupa is one of the biggest in the world.

Boudhanath stupa before the earthquake in April 2015

Stupa: (Sanskrit: m.,stūpa "heap") is a mound-like or hemispherical structure containing relics (śarīra - typically the remains of Buddhist monks or nuns) Source: Wikipedia

Stairway to heaven

Unfortunately the earthquake in April 2015 took the top bit, "the eyes", which now is being rebuilt again and then the stupa will own the skyline of Kathmandu again.
In Boudha area, you find over 50 monasteries, its holy ground for Buddhists and it there is something in that, it does feel holy and very peaceful.

The stupa is to the left, and the refurbishment is very visible. This was my amazing breakfast view every day :) 

Monks walking around the stupa at night

Typically you walk one or any uneven number of laps around the stupa and pray, and this is one of the calmest places I have ever been and I just love the atmosphere, day and night. Monks everywhere, a lot of humming and just peacefulness.

First night was just perfect. Feels good to be home, away from home. In my second home. I truly believe I have a past in this part of the world.

Jen xx


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