Day 4 . Sunrise in the Himalayas and drinking tea in a popcorn pan

This morning we got up at 5am and starting walking to Poon Hill. We had to use our head torches, as it was still pitch dark, we couldn't see a thing ahead of us.
Still night, Daulagiri, 8,167 m
Gopal took the lead and we walked on and on.. steps, steps, steps... but it was ok, I am used to them now. We stopped at one point, maybe 45 mins up, and we could see the outline of the mountains and that was something I have never seen before. It was still dark, but I could see the mountains shapes. And it took my breath away.
The Fish Tail before sunrise
We walked on and we weren't alone, loads of people were seeking the views this morning. And we were all soon to know why. OH MY GOD - THAT IS WHAT WE CALL VIEWS!!
Padam and Gopal with the amazing background
Poon Hill delivered more than expected! I was totally blown away in the early hours, where ever I looked there was something majestic looking back at me. Words can't describe it, pictures might..
And sunrise over The Fish Tail..
Gopal taking a photo of Dhaulagiri

After endless of pictures taken, we started walking back in the sunshine to Ghorepani for breakfast. I felt a bit sad that it was only one more night out in the mountains, 5 days is really quite short for a trek. I am lucky as I really wind down quickly and enjoy the whole experience fully, but I guess I have learnt that over the years. Not sure what it is with the mountains and me, but we do connect on a completely different level. Maybe I was a rock in a previous life, or a mountain goat..?

Dream Team at Poon Hill, 3,200m

After breakfast, the trail led us downhill. By that I mean, downhill. We walked down steps in the jungle, passed by beautiful water falls and streams whilst listening to the loud singing of crickets, met a lot of other trekkers on the way, and I felt sorry for them as they had a long way up and it must be their first or second day. After passing through the jungle, we came to our lunch place which was high up overlooking some mountains, and The Fish Tail could be seen between them. The scenery here is just too good to be true, wherever you go.

Me and Padam
My chow mein noodles were very tasty, and when all energized again, we set off, further down the mountain. We were going to the river again, so we had to go down. I just didn't realize how hard it can be to walk downhill when you do it for a whole day. We had to descend 1,500 of altitude today, so the legs were in for some treatment...
We arrived to a village, and Gopal pointed towards some mountains and said that at the far end was the view point we were at two days ago, when he had pointed at this village, which we would arrive to today. Wow. We had covered a lot of distance since then.

Dream Team resting half way down
We kept on going and soon it became rather difficult to walk and look where the feet were going. Since you walk on steps built by rocks, they are sometimes loose and uneven so you need to watch where you are going. After 4 h of downhill walking, my calfs and thighs started to scream quite loud. Never ending pain and still not by the river. 30 mins later, we did cross the river and started walking to our home for the night. The intended guest house in the village Hille

was full, but we found another one so no worries. Me and Padam were sitting having tea in the dining room, when a thunderstorm started. We could hear the thunder and see the dark clouds right up the mountains we just came from, and I was happy I wasnt up there now, and that I wasnt on my way up that way. Suddenly it started hailing, big fat hail started to hit the metal roof so it felt like we were in a popcorn pan! It was too loud to speak, I have never experienced anything similar.
Popcorn effect! Hail big as chickpeas!

We spent some hours in the dining room, drinking tea and talking. We watched the family who were our hosts work in the fields and even if its hard physical work, they look so content. The mother of the family has the friendliest eyes and she is very keen to make sure that I am fine. Tonight we have enjoyed another fantastic Dal Bhat, my taste buds have probably changed by now and Im all in for spicy food. Love it!

Just before going to bed tonight, a man was walking around the house doing some magic, he was 'cleaning' the rooms from any bad energy. I am quite happy for that, I know I can sleep safely tonight.
If I can get up the stairs to my room, as my legs literally screams for each step I take now, after that long day downhill. I better try to get up there.

Nite nite from Hille,
Jen xx


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