Day 5 - Broken legs and banana lassi - I did it!!

Breakfast with a view from Hille
I woke up this morning, my last morning in the mountains and my legs could hardly carry me. Tired and not my best me, as you can see.. I didn't really expect the downhill trek to be so much harder on my legs than the uphill trek! But the exceptional views this clear morning along with the singing of the birds makes it a bit easier.
We have a relaxed breakfast, today we don't have to walk far nor hard, proper flat and only some hours.
My contribution to comedy.. I could scare anyone at the breakfast table
The first 20 meters were a killer for my calves and knees but then I'm ok. It is good that I have done this before, I know the pain will go away. But its not so great until then, but keeping moving is the trick for now.
We leave the lovely Hille and start our walk.

I try to embrace as much as I can, feeling a bit sad that it is soon over, and at the same time accomplished and proud that I have done it. I didn't expect that my poor back which has been on rehab training and had numerous set backs during the last couple of years would gracefully take me through the Himalayas again, without a complaint. Maybe this shows that my raw body strength is still there and can carry me, and that mental stress could be the trigger to the physical stress? Maybe this also shows that if I don't sit down all day and work at a desk, my body feels so much better. These are thoughts and clarifications I will have to deal with now, as I want my body back. It has taken me 2 years to get back to a kind-of normal status even if I have plenty of set backs, the recovery time is shorter. I know that I am quite sensitive to any additional stress, like long haul flights, bad posture, bad shoes, too many hours of lying in bed, alcohol consumption.. Yes, it all does play a part and I have noticed a difference in my pain and flexibility when changing a few of those things.
Health doesn't come for free, we all need to work harder and eat better, but it works. And when being in a place like this, where the air is fresh and people so happy and content, I naturally feel better. My mind is definitely in Zen mode.

After walking for an hour or so, Gopal stopped a lady and child carrying a basket. She had bananas, freshly picked, and he bought 3 bananas, one for each of us. Probably the tastiest banana I have ever had, small but tasty!

Way too soon we reached our destination where we also started, Naya Pol. We had lunch at a place by the river where also the registration office is for trekkers. This means that we all have to show our trekking passes here get them stamped etc. This is done for our security, as the whole trip is pre-registered so the trekking authority knows when to expect you where. If you dont show up, they will start searching for you as they have a good idea where you are based on your last check-in. Gopal fixed our stamps and then we had a great chicken noodles with a banana lassi and watched the river and all the trekkers starting their journeys. They all looked so fresh, I dont think I look that fresh.. I definitely don't smell that fresh, for sure :) That comes with the activity and I truly love not to be bothered for a few days, Quite refreshing to be in a very non-superficial world, where everything else matters but how you look and what you wear.

So to conclude this 5 day trek to Poon Hill - it was hard, but not too hard so I could still enjoy it as the trekking didn't kill me, just parts of me and not all the same day.
Thank you, two amazing guides, you made my trek very memorable. Love and light to you always.
I had a guide who knows his business and could tell me a lot of what happened and what we saw each day. I had my sano bhai Padam with me as well, and that was the icing on the cake.
I have met and talked to a lot of local people which has been very interesting, and the food I have tried just as amazing.
Pokhara, Phewa Tal.. 

My sano bhai with his guiding licence! So proud of him!

Padam managed to get his guiding license last year, and I am so proud of him and it was so nice to see it.

The introduction to "hot water" was great, to meet the old man in Tada Pani who opened his arms to me and welcomed me into his home.
And of course the views and the mountains, so majestically showing off and giving me memories for life.
I will come back, The Himalayas feel like home and I cant get enough. My mind and soul feel rested and energized, and I am in a very good place. Thank you for having me again, I will soon come again.
Lots of love! Jen xx


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