Day 2 - a trek through jungle, rain drizzle and tranquility. This is why I do it!

Boss Gopal ready to go!
Oh my god what a day!!
I woke up with sore hamstrings and gluts, just like I deserve after a day like yesterday. I went down for my first breakfast in the mountains, and the omelette tasted fantastic, just as expected.

Old Ghandruk

We started walking around 8.30am as we wanted to check out the old village of Ghandruk before heading on. And man was I glad Gopal suggested this! This village looks amazing with its old houses. It was like a different century, really interesting.
Gopal explained that it is only the Gurungs living there.

After the obligatory morning selfie, we started the trek from 1,960 m to reach our goal Tada Pani at 2,630 m, so a bit of an ascent for us.. The trek was going through the jungle. This was the moment I started to move into tranquility and myself, and these are the moments I just love. Time stops, I can only hear and feel myself breathe, apart from the noises from the jungle and all is just - perfect.
Morning selfie w old village Ghandruk in the background

Jungle Jen
 Of course we do talk, but I think Gopal sensed my state of mind and just let me walk in silence. We saw some cool monkeys with white beards, they were jumping from tree to tree. The jungle looked like from a story book, all very mystique.. we soon reached a little house where there was a shop selling yak wool hats and other things, and some post cards. What other place would be perfect for writing post card than a house in the middle of the jungle? I bought two cards and sent them to my niece Nora and her brother Victor, my nephew. The other card went to my father, who loves to get those cards from me to see where I am in the world. There was a sign that the post cards were sent daily, and that intrigued me..  lets see if they arrive..

We kept going, and we got into a thicker jungle, more green and damp. And the promised steps came.. but it was somehow much easier walking up these steps in the midst of the jungle, than in the hills.
After a while walking straight up hill, Gopal said that it was 5 mins to our lunch place, and pointed to the sky and the tree tops in front of us. I smiled at him, that guy has a great sense of humor.. I asked if he is trying to motivate me, as everyone could understand that there was no lunch place near, as there was no noise, no sign of civilization.. But I know the oldest trick in the book; "just 5 more minutes.." But he said "no, the lunch place is just there" and pointed towards the tree tops, "you don't need motivation, you are strong!"

Not completely trusting him, I walked on but he was right, suddenly a house appeared and I had the nicest chicken noodle lunch I have ever had! At this house, there was a family living and the mother had the friendliest face I have ever seen. She just oozed goodness. She probably is pure goodness.
We walked on, and after a while we reached Tada Pani, our stop for the night.

Gopal doing magic tricks!

The village and the market stalls

This place is a village at 2630 m altitude with a few houses and quite a few market stands where some people sell jewelry and other souvenirs. We were the only guests in the guest house, and the man of the house was the funniest character. He had his bed by the fire place in the dining room, and he was telling me in a few words how welcome I am. This is what I find so amazing with these villages, its the same everywhere, everyone just opens their arms.

Our guest house for the night, with the fire burning!

After a proper Dal Bhat (rice, lentils, curry, potatoes, veg, chicken) we had long conversations with the people in the house, Gopal and Padam showed off their magic touch by doing card tricks. I think Gopal must have been a magician in a different life, he did do magic. Padam had some issues remembering his tricks...

The warm dining room 
This evening I have been freezing, we all got wet in the rain and that stuck in my body. The fire in the dining room has been great, it makes such a difference and all our wet clothes have also dried up which is great for tomorrow.
2nd day on trek has finished, I had a moment today where my soul started to wake up and its great to connect with the surroundings on a different level. tomorrow we hope for clear skies so we can see the magnificent views they have here, still unknown to me. Whatever we get, I will be grateful as I am in the most peaceful place I know, and I am starting to find someone. Me.

Nite nite
Jen xx


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