19 days to go!

19 days to go until we leave Heathrow and Im building up both my body and my courage. Its not going to be a walk in the park and I am trying to not be so mega scared of the potential snakes I might come across. I realized today that I might just ignore the fear for that as I cant do anything about it anyway. I just rationalise. Ah well. I only hope I wont have any unpleasant encounters as they might be the last I have.

Went on a run yesterday in the great weather in London, and when cruising through Osterley Parks lovely horse fields I felt stronger than ever. Its been ages since I felt that good, that I can just roll on, mile after mile. I couldnt, but the shape is getting there. I give most cred to Pierre, my physio who has given me great exercises and stretches so I could build up my back and my legs. Its a fantastic feeling to not be in pain, I can tell you that. Its a shame it takes so long to understand it. 
A typical night in for me;  stretches and exercises... thank god for Sky :)
So a lot of money and time has been invested in this project but its the best thing I have ever done. Its selfrespect  in some respect, as I dont want to spend my life physically limited and I now i have been given the tools to keep fit.
Getting my Tanzanian Visa tomorrow, so that is all cool and then I just need the Kenyan Visa and the last rabies jab before Im all set!
So, a good sleep before the next training session tomorrow!

Ciao! x


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