One week to go!

So, now its really getting closer.. In a week, I will be in Nairobi waiting to go to Tanzania and Moshi, the town close to Kilimanjaro. Weird but absolutely super-exciting!
Yesterday, I got my backpack from Johan. Tis was my christmas gift and we found a great one from Kathmandu. I have the most vital things done now, just need sun cream and the malaria tablets, get Sharons sleeping bag which she so kindly is borrowing me and then I think Im done.

My trip has changed as I have sadly cancelled my second week of holiday due to the high security risk in Kenya. I had a plan B but due to visa time frames it didnt work out. Ah well, another time. Just so disappointed that others, terrorists and others, have made the world such a bad place. They have just decided that I cant go on my holiday.

Training is also going well, went on a jog along the canal today as it was such a good day. So warm and lovely, and I thought I should enjoy it and go for a 8 km run, but missed the turn and got a 10 km run... I truly felt that :)
Never mind, legs all good and fitnesswise Im confident, will go well.

I am now very close to this big challenge and I have had great support from so many, my physio Pierre, my chiropractor Mikael who both have fixed my back to a state of wellness and strength I have never experienced, and of course my darling Johan who is my greatest supporter.
Thanks a million, couldnt do this without you.



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