Spring is in the air!

I just love when seasons change, and today I think we can say we officially have spring in London. I optimized my time last night and ran home from the office, and I only had a tshirt on but that was ok.. I just love the little chill in the air but not too much, it just makes it fresh. And also the late sunsets, so I actually have time to run before darkness.
I normally dont run home that much as I have my backpack and it gets a bit complicated and my back starts to moan a bit, but yesterday was actually good. I ran for about an hour, not fast at all, but everything was intact when arriving home. I can feel superficial soreness but nothing major so all is going really well. I cant believe I have come this far.

I read about two girls today that got mugged in Tanzania by a cab driver. I guess I just have to be very careful as the swedish embassy doesnt seem to be too helpful either.

Will have my last injection tomorrow, then I am all done. Will also have my passport picked up from the Kenyan Embassy so I am kind of all set!
My dear friend Fredrik has organised a good camera for me too so I can document this journey properly. That is just fab!
Its funny, I am very calm at the moment, dont feel the stress really. At least I dont think so. I am soo looking forward to get to the top, to see the kids, to meet my team mates and to finally stretch out on the beach!

Jen x


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