Day 3 - Shira Cave to Barranco Camp, via Lava Tower

Altitude and rain, and it poured...!!
Day 3 was about acclimatization and to test our waterproof clothes. The altitude got to us but was fine compared to the clothes.. Most of us were wet through our waterproofs and realized that the monsoon rain wouldn't stop anytime soon and this day that started quite nice wouldn't end as nice. I was wet through all my new waterproof's and I was shivering as it started to get cold. My hero Abel could see that I was miserable and offered his warm proper waterproof clothes, trousers and jacket so I would stay warm. I also got a new shirt as base layer, so I was feeling a lot better. I was terrified that I had gone and got myself a UTI or a proper cold.
Lava Tower is on 4600m so we got a proper feel of the altitude. Most of us got short of breath or felt sick, but nothing really bad. Ben, our Superman, he didnt feel anything... Bloody Diamox, I wish I had taken them too!!
We went down again after spending a few moments at Lava Tower, and got to this night's home; Barranco.

The way down was bit dryer but we couldn't really wait to get there. The best comment of today was when Dean was discussing religion with Guidance and said: "I dont believe that hell is full of fire, I think it is pissing down like it has been today!" Everyone of us could relate, we weren't impressed at all by Kili's weather.
We got to camp and we tried our best to find dry clothes, but as our bags had been carried through the rain too, they were all damp as well as our sleeping bags..
We made some attempts to dry some of it with hot water bottles but we weren't that successful.
With spirits a bit lower than before, Jan went out of the tent and just a few seconds later he called for us. As we walked out, the clouds and mist had disappeared and Kili was looking down at us very majestically, and very close.. Somehow the rain didn't matter, we got warm again and the mood was up. Hell yeah, we are getting up that mountain!!

Nite nite, sleep well! xx

Above; Kili looking down at us through the misty clouds, in the moonlight.. 
Left; same view in the morning


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