
Moshi is the home of Maasai and Chagga tribes, and is located on the lower slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro. It has around 150 000 inhabitants and its is quite lively. As we arrive on a Sunday, the super markets are close, but we find a nice little burger bar where to have our lunch. A cheese burger with chips costs 1500 tanzanian shilling, around £1-2.. And its nice.
Mt Kilimanjaro, majestically showing itself outside our hotel..

We walk around a bit, Jan being our guide as he has been here before and knows where things are. Quite soon a guy approaches Dean and wants to show him what he has in his bag, and out comes Tanzanias national football shirt. Exactly what the boys want to get, so the guy is lucky- business is going great even on a Sunday! While they are talking, another man comes up to me and wants to show me his own art, some paintings of Maasai people and the mountain. This guy doesnt give up very easily and ends up walking with us. He gets that I dont want to buy anything so he starts trying his sales technique on the guys. Soon we have another guy walking with us too, and this one tries to sell me something too. I soon refer to my "husband" Ben who happened to be beside me, that he has all our money. Poor Ben has to pay the guy a pound to go away after they had agreed that it was right to keep women rather short and not giving them any money. I couldnt stop laughing but Ben wasnt as amused as I was. I gathered he would pay back in time..


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