Day 5 - Descent... back to land of oxygen!

After the best rest ever at Barafu Camp, we had a late lunch and then started our walk to our last camp site, Mweka. We were all so tired and the lunch was very hard to get down. The appetite was gone and we just wanted to sleep, but Abel wanted us on the move by the latest 2pm so we would reach Mweka before dark. The sun was shining and we set off, the walk was a bit easier even if the legs were tired. After an hour the rain started again and it kept raining for the rest of the walk. It was so quick to go downhill, and the more oxygen we got, the faster we got!
Shaun, Jan and Steve had problems with the knees so it wasnt a nice walk for them, and when we reached the rainforest and a camp site, they were so glad! It was just not our camp site.... We were only half way.
At 6pm we reached the camp site and it was a tired group that went to have an early dinner before crashing into the tents for the best sleep so far!
Now it was just about getting back down... tomorrow.... zzzzzzzzzzzz


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