Time to conquer Mt Kilimanjaro!

At Machame Gate
We arrive to our starting point around 9am and we are given our hired gear such as walking poles and head torches that some didn't bring. After filling up our water and going to a "normal" loo for the last time in a week, we start our 6 days walk.
The Team at Machame Gate
Ben and Shaun walking through the rain forest
The first day is quite tough, but luckily we dont know what's ahead of us.. We walk through rain forest and after a nice lunch half way, we arrive at Machame Hut after 5h walk. The porters who are quicker than the wind up the trail have already set up all our tents and have made popcorn for us in our dining tent. Super-service for sure!
We are then at 3000m, and I can already feel the altitude when breathing. Going to the loo has started to become a little mission, and it is quite weird to not be able to breath when you have never felt it before.
After a great dinner we settle in our tents for a good night sleep. I share with Jan, and the poor fellow had to be woken up three times during the night when I needed to go to the loo. As we drank three liters a day minimum, and as the altitude makes you pee a bit more too, it was a lot of running that first night. It could of course also help if you dont drink half a litre 20 mins before going to bed.. (sorry Jan..)

Shaun had a rather tough first day as he had packed a bit too much in his day pack and he didnt drink enough during the walk which made him tired. He rearranged his packing for tomorrow so it would be a bit easier.

Nite nite from Machame Hut... xx


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