Nairobi to Moshi-a journey through Maasai land and lots of scenery!


Nairobi to Moshi
We start early in the morning and Abel tells us that the journey will take around 8 hours, even with the new road that has been built not too long ago. We find our seats in the shuttle and start, Im quite excited about whats ahead of us.
After driving through Nairobi's outskirts we get into Masai land. I can see the tall men and women dressed in red clothing herding their kettle along the roads or in the bush. It looks dry, but kind of what I would expect. Very exotic.
We pass through many villages and what gets me most is that hotels are in the same house as the butchery, and the building is a small shed-like building.
We arrive to the border and there are forms to fill in and hand in on both sides and this is a bit time consuming but we are finally through. We continue through Tanzania and we soon arrive to Arusha, a town quite close to our end-destination, Moshi. Arusha is the hometown of Abel and it has more than 1,5 million inhabitants, including the whole Arusha region. Its a lot greener there and the majestic Mt Meru is in the background with its 4565m. We stop shortly at a gas station, and we are approached by women carrying bananas on their heads and offering them for "good price". We didnt know then that we were to hear that many many more times throughout the week.
We can soon see Mt Kilimanjaro ahead of us and we are all a bit quiet while realizing that we will attempt to climb it, the highest free standing mountain in the world, the roof of Africa. My thought was that if Abel had done it 829 times, I should be able to make it too.. At least once..
We check in at our hotel and head out to see Moshi.


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