20 days away!

The first couple of weeks have now passed of my sabbatical and I am starting to find my feet, even if they are sore from all the walking around Kathmandu Valley.

I will rewind to Friday the 12th when I moved into my first apartment that I had found on Airbnb.

 A pretty cheap place, its own kitchen, bedroom etc, for quite little money. But I started to realize why when I got there.

It was very dark, cold and smelled of gas and "fridge", you know that typical smell of an old fridge. I tried to close the kitchen door but it didn't work. The flat was extremely cold so I was grateful that I had brought my sleeping bag, as there were not much to sleep under otherwise

 The TV was one of the really old ones, and I had to hit it sometimes to make it work and the result was a very bad picture. Somewhat a comical situation, but not always. Some moments were pretty sad and I started to wonder what I was doing. But a house you can change, so I started looking for a new place quite instantly.
 That made me realize that comfort costs a bit more but for this long time I am here for, that is an investment that I am willing to make.

After a few days of viewings and negotiations, I finally moved out of this dark place and into my current "penthouse" as I like to call it as it is on the top floor, where I have the same set up with just a little detail that is different - my bathroom and shower is outside on the terrace, enclosed as a room but yes, outside.
 You can call it a posh outdoor loo with a view :) I can actually see some high mountains from there!

After a few nights, I am now getting used to go out to the loo and for showers and I think that when the warmer season starts this will be a lot less of a mission. The morning showers are a bit chilly but I definitely wake up.

I look at this as an adventure and this is part of it. I do admit that I have become a bit of a more comfortable traveler over the years, and I think that is down to lots of traveling and maybe age :)
 But I have also realized the importance of being happy in your home away from home, not always wanting to be out because you don't want to be at home.

I have already had a lazy Sunday in, and it was very nice so I think I keep this place.

Just to share some moments from my terrace..

The view is absolutely amazing from my terrace, I get the most radiant sunsets. Brushing my teeth has become a very nice thing as I benefit from some lovely scenery. Yes, I think I am doing ok.. :)

 With that, love and light to you all.

Jen xx


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