Old friends in new places

January 7th, New Delhi, India.

After the rather horrendous arrival to Delhi, the evening was the total opposite when meeting H's loving family and having a late dinner in the hotel. That made me calm down quite a bit and I was looking forward to a good night sleep and what the morning would bring.

I had planned to meet my ex-colleague and good friend Rashi who moved back to Delhi about 6 months ago and I was so happy to see her smiling face when she got out of her car outside my hotel.

Let me tell you about this fab lady - she is 28 years old, smaller than many but such a big person. She is very intelligent, fun independent, drives around in her car and horns at anyone she likes, drives like a queen and knows her way around the local areas. I guess this is normal for anyone local, but I know her as the sweet lovely girl I was working with in London, and couldn't imagine the same girl owning Delhi like this. Good on you girl!

I was given an awesome sight seeing around a local market where she bartered us some lovely earrings ("Nej Nej Nej" happens to be No No No in Hindi just as Swedish which I found hilarious) and then some more trendy shops, and we finished the day with a Starbucks coffee.. it was just kinda perfect. After that, we decided to get me back to the airport as you never know how long anything will take in India, I have realized.. Traffic jams are mad and so are airport lines.. queues everywhere!

I love seeing old friends in new places. And I'm glad to make an effort to do that as we are all good at saying that we "will meet up" and we are crap at this even when living in the same city. I am guilty of this too, but I tend to find it easier when traveling to a place where someone lives.

And now the ball is in your hands all my friends out there, I am inviting you all to visit me in Nepal! Anyone up for any trekking? Time to start planning now.. :)

Love and light,
Jen xx


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